Church Matters
Attending your church’s weekly worship service can at times seem daunting. We are tempted to enjoy a day off after a busy week and weekend. We assume it isn’t a big deal if we don’t attend. We reason that most people won’t notice, or it won’t affect us, or anyone else for that matter.
However, God’s Word teaches us the importance of gathering together as the Body of Christ. Hebrews 10:24-24 tells us, “and let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, 25- not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
In this passage we see how Believers in Jesus are called to meet together so that we can “stir one another to love and good works and encourage one another”. The reasons for gathering aren’t simply to only come and take in a message or a song set, but we come together as Jesus’ body, the church, to minister to one another, and to be ministered to by others.
In Romans 12:5-6 Paul teaches us, “so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…”.
This verse teaches us that we belong to each other and we use our different gifts to serve each other, the church. We are individually important to God, however, we are called by God to come together, so we become one, the Body of Christ. We need each other’s help to follow Christ. We can see it would be impossible to use our gifts to minister to one another if we never gather together. Your presence matters to your brothers and sisters in Christ. When you miss gathering, the body misses out on the spiritual gift God has given you. You miss out on the gifts of your church family.
We might also be tempted to skip church because our kids are “busy, or difficult” during the service. However, attending church with our children is part of the shaping and discipling of our children that God calls parents to participate in. This is a wonderful and scary responsibility.
In the Gospel Coalition article, Help! My Kids Don’t Like Church, Megan Hill says this “When our kids are resistant to church, our first inclination may be to get out of the uncomfortable weekly ritual. We all know parents who’ve demanded their church amend worship to suit their kids. Or who start looking for another church—one with a schedule or style they think will be more appealing. Or who simply stop going altogether. Maybe you’ve been tempted to do the same. (To be clear, I’m not referring to people who are prevented from attending due to COVID-19 restrictions or concerns.)But one of parents’ chief responsibilities is to train our children to be worshipers. And bringing our kids to church, whether they like it or not, is an essential act of discipleship. The local church may not seem exciting, but when God’s people worship together in spirit and truth, we obey the Father and have fellowship with Christ (John 4:23–26). When parents commit to weekly faithfulness in gospel-proclaiming churches, we teach our kids that there is nothing more important for their souls.”
In certain seasons, it can be difficult to attend the weekly meeting together of your church family. However, remember that it we are called to meet. We teach our children more by our choices, than just simply our words. Gathering weekly with your church family shapes your soul and it shapes the souls of your children in ways you may not understand. If this is a struggle, please pray that God will help you to go. Prepare the night before, so your Sunday morning will go more smoothly. You are an important part of your church family. See you Sunday!