FBC Youth Ministry
9:15 AM
Foundations Classes
for students 6th-12th grade
10:45 AM
Worship Service
5:30-7:00 PM
for students 6th-12th grade
@the ROC
dinner provided before Bible study
It’s more than a story—it’s good news!
The Gospel Project is our Sunday morning Foundations Bible study that helps teens dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Every session shows how all Scripture leads us to Jesus. This curriculum is a chronological study that explores the uniting gospel story and essential truths of Scripture, and shows teens that it is Jesus who transforms them, not good behavior. The study is designed to encourage teens to ask tough questions about our beliefs and expect real answers.
FBC Youth Dalhart
We have chosen this verse for our focus this year,
as we set our sights on standing firm in our faith.