
I heard this poem many years ago and I cannot remember who wrote it, but I hope it blesses you…

The day begins before the alarm ends

The chaos hits

The voices

They, tell you that you’re not good enough

that you’re not pretty enough

that you’re not smart enough

that you’re not talented enough

that  you don’t have what it takes

that you’ll never measure up.


The voices

They try to pull from you

The identity that your Heavenly Father

Gave you before you breathed your first breath

Will you trust the lies? Or the truth?

It’s basically the voice of the enemy versus

the voice of your Heavenly Father

who cares more about you than you can comprehend.


This Great God

Created you in His image

Blessed you with life and purpose and shaped you into an

ever-growing picture of His Son.

You are brave and fully worthy

So, believe it!


You are a woman.

A thinking, breathing, dreaming, empowered by the relentless grace of God, woman.

Used to transform lives

To bear the burdens of your neighbors,

Your city,

The world.

A messenger, used by God to bring His Kingdom to earth.


So, today, woman, be brave

Take a step, take heart, shed those lies


The ones that say

I am weak

I am unable

I am unloved

I am empty

I am abandoned

I don’t measure up

Sister, do not believe it!


Those words couldn’t be further from the truth!

Rest in the word of God, that the Great I AM

Has given you a different I am…


I am first and foremost a daughter of the King

I am loved beyond reason

I am made in His glorious image

I am worthy of the shed blood of Christ

I am beautiful

I am His prized possession

I am His greatest work

I am called

I am gifted

I am blessed with life, purpose, and meaning

I am loved

I am cherished, adopted, worthy

I am a new creation

Courageous, bold, able, strong, confident, daring, fearless

Believe it, sister!

Declare it

Today, I am brave


Family Matters

